Paris is Burning is a documentary film that was directed by Jennie Livingston and was released to the public in 1990. Paris is Burning tackled the ever-controversial issue of gender and whether gender is performed or is innate. The film is mainly shot in observational mode, expect for the few times when Jennie Livingston is heard asking questions in the background. She also used word titles in the film to introduce the queens and sometimes had just key phrases on the titles. Livingston also used interviews with the queens to narrate the stories.
The camera crew follows around a number of male drag queens in NYC in what could be considered their underground world or subculture. These men compete in balls in order to gain status and acceptance in the drag world. Not only does Livingston focus on the extravagent balls that these men compete in, butLivingston also delves deep into the emotional and physical problems that these men deal with on a daily basis and captures them at their weakest points sometimes. The reality that these men live is actually a very sad one at times and this film will definitely educate those how are ignorant on the subject.